5 sentences, after which the management is guaranteed to buy you an HR system


‚‚Boss, I can’t do it anymore…”

We know. As an HR manager, you don’t have it easy. The market isn’t exactly playing into your hands, but you need people. With the remote working, flexible hours, acquisition of company property for home office, changes, regulations, processes, GDPR and management who would like to have a good overview of everything on paper. But with all the hustle and bustle and the agenda, the classic spreadsheets are not enough and you’re running out of breath. So you want to improve. A system, a structure, preferably a digital partner that will make it easier for you. Fortunately, there are a number of them on the market, but they have their limits.

The first and biggest one is that management often doesn’t even want to hear about such conveniences – they see the unnecessary expense and start with an uncomfortable set of questions. Fortunately, we already know what those will be, so we’ll prepare you for them. Tuck this article away out of their sight, because we’ll show you some charming tactics to get them on your side.

But before we put this weapon in your hands, we first need to define what such an HR system actually is and what it will do for you. It’s not a rocket science. Just like an accountant needs a specialized program to manage a company’s assets, finances and invoices, HR needs a pro system to work with people. Thanks to the system you can keep records of employees, attendance, assets, set up processes, send reports… but what will you get out of it?

  1. Save yourself and your managers time so you can all really focus on people
  2. You’ll be free of the same administration over and over again
  3. Automation will speed up your processes and agendas and make you a super HRist
  4. You’ll have order and peace of mind
  5. Compliance will praise you for bulletproof contracts, handovers, HSE, GDPR…


But these are still not arguments for the boss. So let’s tighten up. We’re going for 5 sentences guaranteed to convince management that you really need an HR system.

1. Sentence: ”It will save the company a lot of money”.

A minute here, a minute there and it adds up. Every wave of the hand with saying that this time, exceptionally (again) you fill it in manually, that it’s only a minute, costs the company time. And the more senior the position, the more expensive the time. As a result, without automation, it can take, say, xxx minutes per manager per month to do contracts, records, reports and attendance, which is already a hefty sum with ten managers. Can’t you imagine? Do the math below.

Open Sloneek calculator

2. Sentence: “We will keep an eye on everything”

What you sort of ”punk” out with a small company can already be quite a problem in a larger one, preventing it from taking off. And the company was founded by its owners to grow. To do that, you need to have an accurate picture of what your employee costs are, who has your company assets and why, who’s probation is ending, or maybe who got a recent raise. But a good HR system also has task-based templates that simplify onboarding new colleagues and training, for example, so you’ll know exactly when it’s the right time to promote someone.

3. Sentence: ”We will improve leadership”

What are paid managers for? To fill spreadsheets endlessly? That would be an expensive joke. A manager is supposed to focus on people, develop them, manage them, and thus promote the company’s vision and strategy. In the spirit of the first point, many reports can be automated, saving time and having more relaxed and focused management doing the work that really matters.

4. Sentence: ”The authorities won’t come after us”.

Without many people realising it, there are as many responsibilities, reports and entanglements in the company-employee relationship alone. What about such sensitive employee data? Do you know where it’s stored? And what if they leak? You don’t have to worry about this with an HR system. You set up who has access to what and you’re good to go. A good system will keep an eye on contracts and, in addition, directives, ensuring that it can be proven that the employee has actually read them. Even the most stringent controls

5. Sentence: ”The HR is not just doing paperwork anymore”.’

The days when HR people were mainly there to do administrative are over. Whether you look at Gartner data, a report from LinkedIn or the regular watching the LMC data breakfast, 2020 was a really big year for HR change. The digital overload, the move to home-office and the big wave of career changes has shown that without HR a business that is serious simply cannot function. HR is gradually moving into leadership roles, with the ultimate goal of extending the employee lifecycle. Not just in one role, but across the full breadth of an employee’s potential. In fact, turnover is haunting startups, corporates and mid-sized companies.

So now you’re charged up and can slowly prepare your presentation. Below you will find handouts to help you prepare.

👉 How to choose an HR system? It must have these 7 things.

👉 9+1 of the most common problems that you can solve with a quality HR system

And if even this doesn’t convince the bosses? Then send our Milan to them.

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